Sausage restock coming in April!
Sausage restock coming in April!
Virginia Sweet Grass Farm is located in western Stafford County, Virginia on the upper reaches of Horsepen Run which feeds the Rappahannock River watershed. We are the 3rd generation to farm the property since acquiring it in 1945. Although our family has raised dairy cows, beef cattle, corn, and soybeans in the past, we have been able to convert 25 acres of the current hay fields into pasture for cattle. In 2017, we added a pig lot in the woods behind the fields. Pigs enjoy acorns and lots of wooded space to root around!
Our farm offers all natural, pasture raised, 100% grass-finished beef to the Fredericksburg, Virginia area. We raise Angus cattle while practicing rotational grazing to improve our farm and soil health, protect the environment, and support our community. We do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides. We do not use hormones or steroids. We do not feed any grain. Our cattle thrive on natural pasture containing a mixture of fescue, orchard grass, and clovers. Although not certified organic, the cattle are managed organically and fed free-range organic minerals. In addition, they are raised in a calm, low stress environment with every consideration given to their overall well being.
Grass-finished beef is naturally leaner and healthier compared to grain-fed beef from confined feedlots. Meat from grass-fed cattle has less total fat, less saturated fat, less cholesterol and fewer calories. It has more vitamin E and B, beta carotene and health-producing fats such as Omega-3 fatty acid and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA’s). We believe grass-fed beef is not only delicious and healthy, but beneficial to both the animals and the environment!
Steve is our mastermind, outdoorsman, rancher want-to-be! Husband, dad, VMI grad, civil engineer by day, farmer by night and weekend. With lots of animals being moved, feeding schedules, plans and dreams, he will have a spreadsheet for it all! And you'll always find him wearing his favorite Tilley hat!
Sallie runs the business side of our farm and is the one behind all the emails and phone calls you'll receive. She's the invoice sender, list maker, official gate opener and finder of all lost items! And yes, with chicks always on order, she may even be called a crazy chicken lady.!